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Trauma Insurance

Trauma Insurance

How would you and your family cope if you were diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer, stroke or heart attack? What would the financial impact be? 

Most of us know someone that has had a serious illness and have seen how it has affected them and their family financially.

Of course, not all serious medical conditions result in permanent disability, but they can still result in serious financial impacts. Imagine suffering a heart attack or learning you have cancer.

Trauma Insurance covers you upon diagnosis of cancer, heart attack, stroke and over 35 other medical conditions and events.

What would you want to do to ensure a strong recovery and to de-stress your life?

Fund the best possible medical treatment?

Take time off work to recover?

Pay off the mortgage?

Take a holiday with your family to de-stress?

Leave your job or scale down hours?

Trauma insurance can be the ideal solution with a tax free lump sum benefit payable if you are diagnosed with a specific illness or injury covered by the policy.

It gives you options that you may not have had otherwise and takes the financial worry out of suffering a serious illness so you can focus on recovery.